
Construction business

Business Growth Tips from Bud Quandel

Chris Martin August 31, 2020 165

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Listen as Noble ‘Bud’ Quandel shares insight into growing a construction business.  Bud shares his thoughts related to diversification and experience from his time at the helm of Quandel Construction.  Co-hosts Jon O’Brien and Chris Martin dive into what Bud looks for in employees, retention of team members and how to build a team in this industry.  To stand out in the industry, Bud says: stars77

  • Take a longer view of training
  • Know where you are going
  • Combine intelligence with experience
  • Educate yourself while you live the job

 “It pays to be a learning organization.  Learn from mistakes and learn from adapting to the industry and the world,” said Bud Quandel when speaking with Jon and Chris of the importance of growing a business.  Quandel also shares his experience with Vistage, a CEO peer-to-peer group that serves as a resource for leadership and self-improvement.

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