
Metal Health & Wellness in Construction

Yinz Good? A New Mental Health Initiative for the Construction Industry

Building PA Podcast August 8, 2023 499

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The Contructors of Western Pennsylvania (CAWP) and the Master Builder’s Association of Western Pennsylvania (MBA) have partnered together to bring a new mental health initiative to the construction industry in western PA — Yinz Good?

Jason Koss, director of industry relations for the CAWP, and Bob McCall, director of safety for the MBA are the co-founders of this initiative in partnership with Youturn Health.

When asked how Yinz Good? came to be, McCall commented the rising rate of suicide among men in construction and the demand from their members for a program on mental health and wellness was a driving factor in the MBA’s motivation to develop a program like this. Koss was on board noting that their members, unions, and other safety professionals recognized the need to help the construction industry in an open and non-threatening way. is a website that houses free information on topics like:

  • stress management
  • substance misuse
  • how to have tough conversations and more. 

Resources include:

  • videos
  • blogs
  • webinars
  • assessments
  • toolbox talks 

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