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The One Conference All Safety Professionals Need To Attend – GOSH!

Building PA Podcast September 21, 2022 312

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If you are a professional working in a job that requires you to stay up to date on all things related to safety, then you need to listen to this podcast.

Chris and Jon invited Paula Loht, corporate director of safety for Gannett Fleming and PA Governor’s Occupational Safety & Health Conference, GOSH, committee member to talk about this year’s upcoming GOSH conference, October 31-November 1 at the Hershey Lodge.

The GOSH conference is where safety, innovation, education, and best practices come together.

Over the past ninety-five years, the GOSH Committee has educated and empowered safety professionals, employers, and employees throughout the Commonwealth. More than 80,000 safety professionals have come together to learn, share best practices, and network to make Pennsylvania a safer place to work. 

Loht shares why topics like “active shooter” are gaining in attendance.  Informative speakers and sessions like this are why this year looks to be one of the most highly attended events by safety professionals in all fields. There’s so much to learn about safety at the GOSH conference.

Go to pasafetyconference.com to register and learn more about the topics and speakers for this year’s event.

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