
Captive Insurance

Captive Insurance

Tracy Sturla May 16, 2022 120

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The topic of captive insurance has gained in popularity. We want to know, why? So we invited Tim Ziegler, vice president, principal, and head of the construction division at McConkey Insurance to join us on the podcast to talk about captive programs and answer some questions, we’re hearing in the industry.

Ziegler brings clarity to what captive programs are and shares the three biggest advantages of being part of a captive group, why it is gaining in popularity, and who benefits the most.

McConkey Insurance and the Keystone Contractors Association are hosting a hybrid event titled, Is A Captive Program Right For My Company? Click on the link to sign up. The event is free to members. In-person lunch starts at 11:30. The presentation starts at 12 PM.

When:             Wednesday, May 18

Time:               12 PM – 1 PM

Where:            McConkey Insurance & Benefits

                        2555 Kingston Road #100

                        East York, PA

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