
Business Development

Business Development Her Way!

Building PA Podcast October 4, 2022 167

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If you asked 100 construction professionals to define business development you would get 100 similar answers that sound something like this—When it comes to organizational growth, business development acts as the thread that ties together all of a company’s functions or departments, helping a business expand and improve its sales, revenues, product offerings, talent, customer service, and brand awareness.

But we weren’t looking for the same old answers. We wanted a new and fresh perspective on business development which is why we invited Business Development Manager for Gilbane Building Company, Tonya Byrd to share her definition of business development her way.

Byrd has been in the space of business development for 18 years and believes there are three keys that bring success to her role in the industry, one, you must love people, two, you must love problem-solving and three you must love people. You’ll learn why Byrd lists one and three as the same.

This is an episode that is filled with wit, humor, insight, and reality. Download this episode to listen to Byrd’s candid messaging and learn why her LinkedIn profile reads, “Building relationships is my jam.” 

Take our word for it. This is a 30-minute podcast you won’t want to miss!

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