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Photo provided by Carl Walker Construction
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Podcast Replay – Sarah Knehr – KCA’s Top Young Leader Award in 2021 Building PA Podcast
Sarah Knehr, senior project manager at Quandel Construction group is one of those professionals in the construction industry with so much drive and energy it’s contagious. She’s involved with the KCA’s emerging leaders initiative and is a resource for anyone looking to get into the construction profession.
There’s a reason she was nominated as the top young leader by the KCA in 2021. She’s so inspiring to young professionals we felt that her podcast was worth a replay.
If you know a high school student or young professional interested in construction, share this episode.
Original content:
In today’s podcast, co-hosts, Jon and Chris are joined by a special guest, senior project manager for Quandel Construction Group, Sarah Knehr—KCA’s 2021 Top Young Leader Award winner.
Knehr was chosen as the winner because of her outstanding performance on the job and in the community.
You’ll hear Knehr’s insight on the importance of embracing young students, both high school and college-aged, and exposing them to the construction profession. She shares the value of job shadowing and learning about “the day in the life,” of an architect, project manager, or engineer. It’s hard for students to answer the question, “what do you want to be or do with your life,” if they aren’t given examples or exposure to different occupations.
Knehr supports and volunteers with the ACE Mentor Program and is dedicated to the education of young adults considering a profession in construction.
A senior project manager at Quandel Construction Group, Inc. Knehr has been with the company for almost a decade. Knehr started her career early in the construction industry as a co-op student in high school splitting her days between school at work at Quandel.
Knehr is a graduate of the University of Cincinnati and holds a Bachelor of Science in architecture.
I am passionate about my career and this industry. It shows in my work, in my leadership, and how I’m trying to be more active in the community.
– Sarah Knehr
Tagged as: Sarah Knehr, Quandel Construction Group, Women In Construction, Women Leaders in Construction Leadership, Construction Insustry, Youn professionals in Construction, Jobs in Construction.
Building PA Podcast February 2, 2023
Photo provided by Carl Walker Construction
Building PA Podcast - © 2023