
Workforce Development

Kerry Zettlemoyer talks Ironworker apprenticeship

Chris Martin August 18, 2020 311

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Co-hosts Jon O’Brien and Chris Martin speak with Kerry Zettlemoyer, business manager of the Ironworkers Local No. 404 in Harrisburg, PA.  Kerry shares insights into the 17 building trades groups throughout the Commonwealth and the structure of the Ironworkers.

In this episode, Zettlemoyer talks about the changes that have been implemented to improve the apprenticeship program, how the local has restructured, and how safety has changed the industry.  Zettlemoyer shared, “when I got in if you were over 30 you didn’t stand a chance, but now, we are seeing older apprentices come in and are doing very well,” when asked about the ages of apprentices in the Ironworkers Apprenticeship Program.

Listen as Zettlemoyer shares advice for joining the industry and the trades and the training program that ensures ironworkers are ready to erect steel across the state.

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