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Healthy Work Environement Series
Tracy Sturla July 19, 2022 131
Healthy Workspaces part of the Barry Isett & Associates Healthy Work Envonments Series Tracy Sturla
Now more than ever companies realize the importance of providing a healthy workspace environment for their employees. This concept has been heightened post-COVID and will continue to be a priority for owners and their employees.
With the growing interest in this topic, we decided to talk with an expert on healthy workspaces and learn how people and their environment interface and how the health of the workplace and employees can help systems and processes positively affect the bottom line.
Our guest, Fran Dean-Bishop, President & CEO of Aerobodies and Creator of the Mind Well Suite™ and Workforce Wakeup™ turnkey systems, has been working with companies, large and small to help make positive change in the workplace for over 20 years.
Bishop shared her experience in health, wellness, and process improvement solutions in this episode. If you are looking for some tips to help improve your work environment for your company and employees download this episode to begin the journey,
If your journey to a healthier workplace environment has already begun, share this episode with your network.
Thank you to Barry Isett & Associates for making this episode possible as the sponsor of the Healthy Work Environment Series.
Tagged as: Workforce Wakeup, Healthy workplace, Barry Isett & Associates, Fran Dean Bishop, Aerobodies, Mind Well Suite.
Tracy Sturla July 12, 2022
COVID, workforce development, supply chain issues, this list goes on and on for the daily challenges faced by small businesses. It’s probably safe to say that it has been a […]
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