
20 Results / Page 2 of 3

Legal and Legislative
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What it takes to be a union political director

Chris Martin October 18, 2021

Tori Shriver, political director for the Eastern Atlantic States Regional Council of Carpenters (EAS Carpenters) joins Chris and Jon to discuss a day in the life of a union political director. Shriver discusses her role in promoting and educating legislators and the public on policies that affect the EAS Carpenter […]

Helmets to Hardhats on the Building PA Podcast
Workforce Development
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Workforce Development

Carpenters Training program

Chris Martin April 27, 2021

Odie Parkins of the Eastern Atlantic States Council of Regional Carpenters joins the podcast to talk about the Carpenters training program. Parkins talks of the tools and technical support each apprentice receives along with the emphasis on behavior and attitude. He also shed light on the Carpenters 300 Hitters program […]

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Small business ownership in the construction industry

Chris Martin April 26, 2021

Listen in as Casey Schlaegle talks about owning a small business in the construction industry. Schlaegle has a diverse background within the industry and has worked as an architect, carpenter and now owns and leads his own architectural woodworking firm. He discusses the need to find a reliable team that […]

Helmets to Hardhats on the Building PA Podcast
Workforce Development
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Workforce Development

Helmets to Hardhats

Chris Martin March 29, 2021

85% of military veterans have no experience in construction, yet the industry is a perfect fit for those who have dutifully served their country. Dan Breslin of Helmets to Hardhats talks about the program, the impact it has on veterans and the construction industry and how to gain entry to […]

workforce development is crucial to the PA construction industry
Workforce Development
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Workforce Development

Workforce development and educational impact

Chris Martin October 19, 2020

State Representative Greg Rothman stopped by the Quandel Studios to discuss the future of the City of Harrisburg school district and the potential impact receivership may have on the city and the state related to workforce development and education. Listen to past episodes and more at and follow the podcast on Facebook and LinkedIn. […]