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Leadership for nonprofits, associations and beyond.

Tracy Sturla July 5, 2022 124

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In business, leadership is one of the most talked about topics among business professionals, owners, and executives. 

In this episode, we decided to take the discussion beyond the boardroom and into the world of nonprofits and associations.

Our guest Elisa Brewer Pratt is the CEO of Brewer Pratt Solutions. Pratt is a chief strategist who specializes in organizational effectiveness. She consults with nonprofit organizations in the construction and trades association space and advises on growth and engagement as well as leadership development. 

Pratt shares that “there are leaders at all levels,” and everyone has the ability to become a leader by just making the conscious choice to get involved, and sometimes the  “scariest thing about leadership is just getting started. “

If you are looking for practical advice and tips to help yourself, an employee or an organization grow and build leaders, then take a listen to the full episode. 

Take the time to invest in yourself and learn how to “live leadership.”

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